How the consumption of oats might alter your reality

You may ask yourself, "what can organic oats do for me?"

Oats are not only a gluten free whole grain and considered a great source for good carbs and more high quality protein than any other grain, with a good balance of essential amino acids and loaded with important minerals, vitamins and antioxidant plant compounds..and true they are a super source for fiber, but in particular a specific type of fiber called oat beta glucan. Why does that matter, you might wonder? This type of fiber takes it's time passing through, releasing peptides, a hormone allowing for longer sense of satiation, decreasing blood sugar spikes, while allowing for greater release of toxins, promoting better gut health, promotes regular bowel movements, (which always improves mood!) potentially lowering your risk for diabetes, heart disease, and obesity!

Important minerals and vitamins found in Oats:

*Manganese~ a trace mineral important for growth, development and metabolism.

*Phosphous~this mineral is important for bone health and tissue maintenance.

* Copper~ an antioxidant mineral important for heart health

*Iron~is a component of hemoglobin, an essential protein responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.

*Sellenium~an antioxidant associated with optimal immune  and mental function.

*Magnesium~ is crucially important to numerous body functions.

*Zinc~is a mineral important for overall health , as it participates in many of the body's chemical reactions

*Vitamin B1~ helps the body's cells convert carbs into energy. plays a role in muscle contraction and conduction of nerve signals.

I've always loved oats, and have fond memories of heading out into the winter with a bellyful of oatmeal with currants cooked in, which is how mom fixed it. But I can also think of other ways to add oats to our diet, and will share some favorite recipes in the future!

As wonderful of a food as Oats are~ the truth is, they are made even more nutritious by pairing them with a variety of nuts, seeds, and fruits and Altered Reality Superfood Granola is one stop shopping for the best of the best for the best! (YOU!)  :-)

